It's true I have already begun decorating for Christmas and I'm not sorry about it. This year has been tough enough and the last few months have been even harder so I am a firm believer in doing things that bring you joy. So if Christmas brings you joy then bring on the Christmas. But, just because I'm already in full on Christmas mode doesn't mean I didn't want to share a Fall bucket list update. We knocked a lot of things off the list this Fall and I'm so excited about it. We visited Southern Hill Farms here in Orlando and got to spend much needed time with our friends Sara and Sam. Sara also took the above photo! We watched spooky movies, I made lots of pumpkin things and we took lots of photos.

Above is the Fall bucket list Tamy and I created, the green x's indicate the items we have completed so far. Since it is still technically Fall and Thanksgiving is typically considered a Fall holiday we will probably get a few of these stragglers checked off. Some items we just missed and I'm ok with that, sometimes life gets in the way and this was just a hope to do list not a do or die list.

I am so excited by how many Halloween movies we watched this year. Now I know we didn't check off the whole list but we did watch some items that were not on the list so I'm totally ok with that. I love having a list as a guide to what we might want to watch. I also pull out the DVDs for a particular season so that they are at the ready and I don't have to go digging for them.

We also made a lot of our viewings into an event with themed food and drinks and photos so going big sometimes means doing less. I'm not mad about it, we watched a lot more things then we have in previous years.

We had a happy Halloween and dressed up the poor dog and he tolerated us doing it. We had a nice little morning of flu shots and a stroll around Disney Springs and watched movies. Tamy totally lets me get carried away with the decorating and photo taking and activity planning which I really appreciate. I would say she does it cause she knows I need it right now but she's literally like this every year.
This is the second year I've done a traveler's notebook to document my Fall activities and I was worried that there wouldn't be that much to show or say about this season and I've been pleasantly surprised. I love the flexibility of the smaller projects but that also have lots of room for writing. There will for sure be more of these traveler's notebooks projects in the future so stay tuned and if you want to see pages from last year just let me know!

Overall with everything going on this crazy year we have managed to celebrate the Fall season with just as much gusto as ever, without working I have the gift of time so I'm able to plan and cook and create and bake which I'm taking as a silver lining. Just wait until Christmas where I take multiple classes and put together multiple projects to celebrate the season and my goal is to make this the best and closest to a perfect Hallmark Christmas as possible so if you have any suggestions or projects, recipes, movies you want to see let me know in the comments below or feel free to email, DM or send smoke signals!